Thursday, July 18, 2013

5. The Life of being a Hacker

As we all know that hackers are growing everyday because there's a lot of students who choose to study Ethical hacking & forensics either in college or at home. Being a certified Ethical hacker allows you to work in various companies that require security or in government agencies where you may be assigned to bypass terrorist online security & provide valuable info for the government.

An article called, "Anonymous: Ethical Hackers or Cyber Criminals?" by Tang Zijian, and another interesting one "Understanding Anonymous: The Culture of Lulz" by Mike Masnick talks about general info on Anonymous & how it all started. A 15 yr old named Christopher Poole created site called 4chain where people would recruit pranksters so that they can crack jokes or do online pranks anonymously. Since no Identity was given to the user, that's where people began to call themselves Anonymous, in my case "Anonymous Pranksters".

The site was used for entertainment in its earlier stage until the group decided to become cyber heroes & fight against cyber-censorship, surveillance with help of hacking & protest. That's when they converted from prankster to hacker & began to fight back against the government's ridiculous laws in response to the society's protest. Sometimes we get confused since the hackers are anonymous, we cannot be sure whether they're hacking for a greater good or selfish need. They can work either in a group or an individual. The article also mentioned that fighting against the government is "war". This is more of a cyber war not world war 3 so Anonymous rely mainly on computers & hacking skills to either get what they need or do for the good of the people.

   As I discussed earlier, anyone can become anonymous & if you wanna do what's good for the society then do it or if you wanna hack the government just for fun or show you are worthy then no one is there to say anything. I'll always support Anonymous because no government is perfect & they can either be bad or good. If they turn out to be bad then the hackers are there to teach him/her a lesson.

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