Monday, July 1, 2013

1. Who are the Anonymous?

                             Some people think that they are a group of hackers or an organization who disrupt webpages & steal valuable information while others think they are doing what is best for the society. I personally think that anonymous are the people, neither a group nor an organization. They are everywhere & no one knows exactly their true identity, which explains their logo.

                      They have no leader & they are always aware of what's happening in the society since they are dispersed around the world. I watched a couple of YouTube videos & discovered an unfamiliar plan called "Operation Facebook" which is the temporary shutdown of Facebook by anonymous but it never happened. There were other related videos concerning about the attack & 1 of them said, "The anonymous user who posted this information was not true. You should understand that we represent the people & we are everywhere." That user who posted the fake video; his/her location was traced & people started commenting on the video regarding it. Those who commented were blocked by the user, although no one bothered catching this person since no harm was done.

           In the article, "Beware! Anonymous has become the Hello Kitty of hacktivism" by Stilgherrian, I see that they are generally also known as hacktivists & they have a variety of tools at their disposal according to the quote by Stilgherrian, written on March 4th, 2013 at the site, "The tools are becoming increasingly easy to use, and the hacktivists increasingly stupid — making everyone a target." In my opinion, the hackers can either be good or bad & since the tools are easy to use, they can also be misused which could put nearly everyone at risk. The hacktivists have included various anonymous groups on Facebook & tweeter where everyone can stay up to date with hackers who are performing various operations. You may wonder why the government didn't take action on those posted groups because they are just news reports about anonymous operations (media).

                   Heroes or villains, the government has doubled its efforts to stop Anonymous’ activities, but it seems that the hacktivists are multiplying and Anonymous is growing every day. Anonymous has millions of followers on the Internet. Their Youtube videos have millions of views and they have become a type of cyber heroes.The anonymous main quote is, "We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us." I personally think it means they are everywhere, they do not forgive the actions you commit, they'll never forget for what you did, beware of their expectations because they can hack you anytime in surprise. 

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